RYI UNITY, The Next Big “Thing”?
RYI Unity’s Crypto wallet app now on Apple, releases NFT line and UnityDeFi app
May 15, 2022 — Cryptocurrency company RYI Unity LLC of California has continued to make strides down the path of its roadmap with several new developments the preceding few weeks.
Among these are the RYIpay wallet application now being available for download in the Apple App Store, release of their UnityDefi mobile app for Google/Android, integration of Rubic into UnityDefi for cross-chain capabilities, as well as a new NFT line through UnityDefi and related staking of these tokens.
Following months of navigating the rightfully strict approval process of Apple in regards to crypto wallet applications, RYI Unity’s app RYIpay was just recently released for iOS devices. Wier said “We’re bridging the gap to allow Apple iOS users a new, simple, secure and effective way to buy and manage cryptocurrencies and NFTs.”
Through the free app users find numerous functionalities such as the ability to pay for their shopping using crypto, to buy crypto with debit and credit cards, and to store their crypto and NFTs in a safe fashion through the non-custodial wallet (described as “mean[ing] you keep ownership of your assets”).
Further features include “an intuitive and secure built-in Web3 Browser;” a fully functional web…